Professional Certificate in Business Analytics
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Professional Certificate in Business Analytics


Instruktur: LithanBahasa: English

Lithan’s Skills Certificate Programs are generally offered to the candidates who would like to attain job ready skills in different fields such as Digital business, digital marketing, digital system administration, software engineering. This course is designed for Professionals, Managers, and Executives who would like to attain digital marketing skills. This program is also suitable for business owners who would like implement digital marketing in to their business. Successful applicant should have minimum 2 years of marketing experience. The applicant should also have reading and writing proficiency in English.

Acquire Data Queries and Visualization Skills
Learn how to write queries and modify data using Transact SQL as well as visualise data using Power BI Gain the knowledge and skills to analyze, visualize and report information using Microsoft Power BI along with basic concepts of Data Modelling, SQL Transformations, Statistical foundations and the various forms of data Analysis
Acquire Data Queries and Visualization Skills
Gain knowledge and skills in applying data analytic skills to develop a business analytics application for digital sales and marketing and create performance matrices, multi dimensional data modeling, dashboard for data visualization to develop business analytics for digital sales marketing using Microsoft Power BI
Acquire Business Analytics Insights Skills
Learn how to integrate the art and science of data storytelling into your work by analyzing data like a professional with multiple case studies including financial analytics, customers analytics and operations analytics
Module names
Modul 1 - Data queries and visualization basics
Modul 2 - Business Analytics Application
Modul 3 - Business Analytics Insights
Modul 4 - Business Analytics Implementation (Capstone)
Total duration = 240.5 hours.
Modul 1: 15 hours E-Learning, 15 hours Flipped Class, 15 hours Assignment = 45 hours
Modul 2: 15 hours E-Learning, 15 hours Flipped Class, 15 hours Assignment = 45 hours
Modul 3: 15 hours E-Learning, 15 hours Flipped Class, 15 hours Assignment = 45 hours
Modul 4: 45 hours Project Mentoring, 60 hours Project Implementation, 0.5 hours Assessment = 105.5 hours
E-learning/Online Asynchronous through LMS
Flipped Class/Live Streaming
Assignment/Online Synchronous through webinar
Project Mentoring/Live Streaming
Summative Assessment/Live Streaming
1. Minimum attendance of 75% and Assessment
2. Formative Assessment for concept modules (module 1 to 3) :- MCQ Assignments and must score average 75% to become competent
3. Summative Assessment for capstone module (module 4) via Project Report, Project Presentation and Review & Feedback.
4. Must score 75% in the Summative Assessments to become competent: Project Report (Self paced ) - 70%, Project Presentation (15 INDUSTRY CERTIFICATIONmin)- 30%, and Review & Feedback - 15 min
1. Microsoft Certified Data Analyst Associate

Self Paced

Belajar dengan kecepatan dan jadwal sendiri, selama masa akses 6 bulan.

Qualified Content

Course ini telah melalui tahapan kurasi dan revisi yang ketat.

Certificate Ready

Dapatkan sertifikat begitu Anda menyelesaikan course ini.

Full Online

Belajar course bisa darimana saja dan kapan saja.

Qualified Creator

Kreator Course ini sudah memiliki track record yang terbukti di bidangnya.

Affordable Price

Dapatkan course ini dengan harga yang okay.



Online Provider

Professional Instructors who deliver this program are provided by LITHAN- a Digital Learning & Talent Platform with a mission to develop future ready talents and enterprises for the new digital economy. HQ in Singapore with presence across ASEAN & the Indian subcontinent. Edutrust-certified by Committee for Private Education (CPE), a government agency which regulates private education in Singapore. An Accredited CET Centre (Continuing Education & Training) by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), a government agency which regulates adult learning in Singapore. Accredited training centers for Pearson BTEC and Scottish Qualifications Authority.

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